Aggregate Optics Of Make-A-Do
Martha and Robert Fogelman Galleries of Contemporary Art; University of Memphis; January 18-March 6, 2019

From right to left:
Piecemeal Promenade (2019) 48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall;
Proscenium Hedgerow (2018) 11ft x 10ft x 2ft; series of three latex on cut muslin panels;
Horizon Allsorts, (2018) 12ft x 1ft; (6) floating wood shelves, painted muslin, ceramic, underglaze and glaze

Proscenium Hedgerow (2018) 11ft x 10ft x 2ft; series of three latex on cut muslin panels

Works from right to left:
Blinky Bricolage (2019) in collaboration with Kyle Statham; 3 minute animation on loop, projection;
Proscenium Hedgerow (2018) 11ft x 10ft x 2ft; series of three latex on cut muslin panels
Piecemeal Promenade (2019) 48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall;

From right to left:
Piecemeal Promenade (2019) 48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall;
Horizon Allsorts, (2018) 12ft x 1ft; (6) floating wood shelves, painted muslin, ceramic, underglaze and glaze

Works from right to left:
Proscenium Hedgerow (2018) 11ft x 10ft x 2ft; series of three latex on cut muslin panels
Blinky Bricolage (2019) 3 minute animation on loop, projection; collaboration with Kyle Statham
Piecemeal Promenade (2019) 48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall;

Piecemeal Promenade (2019)
48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall

Piecemeal Promenade (2019)
48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall

Works from right to left:
Blinky Bricolage (2019) 3 minute animation on loop, projection; in collaboration with Kyle Statham
Piecemeal Promenade (2019) 48ft x 11ft; latex on muslin cut-outs, adhered to wall;

Sloppy Espalier, 2018, Painted muslin wall covering, painted and cut muslin garland, wood blocks, painted magnets, on painted muslin wall covering; 7.5ft x 14ft